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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Clownin' Around

The last semester has started and I am so excited to be so close to the finish line. It's not going to be an easy semester, but it seems like it will be the most fun and exciting semester. We have 200 hours of clinical and tons of class when we're not at the hospital. Somewhere in my "free" time when I'm not doing school stuff or blogging about school stuff I will need to find time to work. This semester we are focusing on pediatrics and psych. Psych is not something that interests me too much, but I am pretty sure I was made to be a peds nurse. Today we had a lab to practice clinical skills when dealing with a pediatric patient. Some of my friends and I practiced for about 30 min but it didn't take long to learn or even own the skill we were practicing and we were allotted 2 1/2 hours of mandatory practice. Instead of practicing frantically like we used to and stressing over the little stuff, we goofed off for a whole hour! Here are some pictures of our productivity...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What I am thinking right now: I can't believe you are almost in the real world. Any signs of dry sockets? :) ~Rachel