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Thursday, April 30, 2009

It is time...

Well.. we are only hours away from graduation! It's 2am and I am up worrying about life and how it will be different after today. Where will I end up come August 19th after my internship at SharpTop is over? God, PLEASE direct my ways to be your ways! Since Tuesday of this week my friends and fellow colleagues have been receiving phone calls from Shands with job offers for their "dream jobs". My friend Julie was the first to recieve a job in Shands ER. I had so much excitement for her and was overwhelmed with joy! I couldn't stop shouting in public "JULIE HAS A JOB! JULIE'S AN ER NURSE!!" The two of us got out of the car and ran around Sonny's parkinglot screaming with excitement...This meant that they had started the calling process and I knew it would only be a day or two until I got my call. They have been going unit by unit. Taking their precious little time to call people to offer them positions. Today my friend Nikki told me that she was given the job she has been only hoping and praying for, which is in the Pediatric Intermediate Care, also being something I have been praying for as well! Throughout the day, I ran into people here and there from school and my phone was blowing up with texts about people who were getting calls left and right. I was sure to keep my phone in my pocket at all times in expectation that I would be getting my call today. Around 10pm tonight, it hit me. This isn't going to happen. I am not going to be getting a job with Shands pediatrics. Now, I don't know for sure that I won't be getting a call tomorrow, but I have this pinching feeling in my heart that says that it's all wrong. It's not where I am going to be. Well, I'll update you more on this later. When I'm a little more sure about my gut feeling and a little less bummed about it all... I do know one thing. I do love and worship a God that loves me and has a crazy awesome plan for my life that I can't wait to unravel!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kathy...congratulations on graduating from nursing school!! what a long journey...but you finally made it! God has great things in store for you, and though its hard to see or understand now, I know that He will be leading you to new and exciting things! Enjoy this summer and soak up everything you can! LOOVEE YOU!