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Monday, March 2, 2009

Evangelism Linebacker

Sometimes I can be completely oblivious to things. I went to BIG group tonight (which is mostly all of the small groups at First Assembly meeting together corporately) and watched this video before someone came up and gave a lesson on evangelism. Please watch the video it's pretty funny! I was laughing up a storm and couldn't wait to get home to share it with my friends. I shared it with one friend who wasn't that phased because he'd seen it a million times before. He said "Young Life actually did a spoof". I said "Man, I bet that was great!" He gave me the link to watch the spoof and as I was watching it, it seemed familiar like I had seen it before. It wasn't until the near end when I realized WHY it was so familiar! I WAS IN IT!!!!! I thought the video was pretty funny when I saw it at work week 2 yrs ago... but I hadn't seen the original video so I didn't know just how funny it really was! Oh man, how embarrassing!

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