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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

playin a game of hookie

Who decided that when you skip school that it's a game? And who decided it should be called hookie? What does that mean anyway? I know we're only a month into school, but I really needed a day off to just relax and not have to think about so much. Because I have nothing interesting to report I will tell you a story our teacher told us in class last Friday. I warn you now- THOSE WITH WEAK STOMACHS DO NOT KEEP READING!

We are in our psych rotation right now which is always interesting. Our teachers have tons of stories about working in pysch. Friday our teacher spent more time telling stories than he did going over the lecture material. He spent about 15 minutes telling us about a guy on the pscyh unit that had a Jesus complex- where he genuinely thought he was the son of God. One of the techs who was a Christian and going to school to become a priest decided he was going to go in and tell him to stop claiming to be Jesus. The tech spent almost an hour in the room with the man and came out only more puzzled and frazzled than he did when he went in. This guy memorized the whole bible. This guy thought he really was Jesus and there was NOTHING the tech could do or say that could prove other wise. Well, on the psych unit, rounds must be made every 15 minutes to know where your patients are and what they are doing. During rounds my teacher said he was going in to give "Jesus" his afternoon meds, but he wasn't in his room. He and the tech looked in other rooms and in the halls to find him. Finally they found "Jesus" in bed with one of the women from psych unit. I'm pretty sure that the son of God wouldn't get away with that...anywho.. My teacher and the tech separated the two and made "Jesus" go back to his room and he was put in "time out". The female patient was not one under my teacher's care, so he went to go find her nurse. When he did, he told her, "I found "Jesus" and Ms. so and so in bed just now". The nurse said, "kissing?" My teacher said, "Yeah, that and then some." The nurse said, "I have been in the bathroom for five minutes throwing up, when I went in to do my rounds I found Ms. So and so drinking the contents of her colostomy bag!"


aly said...

Further confirmation that I should not be in the medical profession.

Anonymous said...

There are, internationally, a number of expressions in English which refer to truancy. In Australia truancy is called wagging or bludging. It is called skiving or twagging in England, sagging in Liverpool, bunking and cutting class in India and doggin' in Scotland and on the hop, on the bunk or mitching or dossing in Ireland. In the United States and Canada expressions include (playing) hookey, ditching, bagging off, dipping, skipping or cutting class.

There is no widely accepted explanation for the word 'hookey' or 'hooky.' An Americanism that arose in the late 19th century, when compulsory attendance laws became the rule in public schools, 'hooky' may be a compression of the older expression 'hook it,' 'to escape or make off,' formed by dropping the 't' in the phrase. Or it could be related to the old slang word 'hook,' meaning 'to steal,': kids stealing a day off from school. 'Hooky' has so often been associated with going fishing that it may even owe its life to 'getting off the hook' the way a fish can; anyway, school is often insufferable as a hook to schoolchildren and many kids squirming in their seats all day look like they are on a hook." From "Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins" by Robert Hendrickson (Facts on File, New York, 1997).